Date: 7 Jan ~ 10 Jan 2012 (Super Early Sat -> Tues super late night)
SG -> Hatyai
Move off on Friday night.
Meet up time: 2am
Move off time: 3.15am (exact/no delay)
Reach Hatyai estimated 4pm..
Hatyai -> SG
Move off Tuesday Afternoon after check out
estimated 1pm
Reached SG est 1am
Estimated speed: 90~100km (digital)
-There's no restriction on CL2B or CL2.. Anyone is welcome to join. (CL2 can ride all the
Date: To be advise (somewhere around June 2013)
Time: Meet up one of the fridays mid-night and start moving towards thai borders.
Objective: Touch and go most of the locations. Meaning: Reach, snap photos, ride again. Videos will be done for estimated 10~30% of the ride, but subjected to memory/power capacity..
Location: SG -> MY -> TH -> Laos -> MHS -> MY -> SG all in 14 days. (very rush trip, not for faint hearted)
Itinerary: Example: 10 May 2013 (f