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Hi~ Felt like sharing and also documenting my experiences at SSDC for class 2b so here it is~ Hopefully it helps anyone who is currently taking lessons there or soon to take there. :) Will try to summarize as much but still long post ahead!

Learning 2b has also been on my bucket list so I actually enrolled in CDC 2 years ago but i stopped at lesson 2, 2nd try cos i fell in the yellow box while a learner car drove past me. saw my life flashes past my eyes and i was like "what if this is a real life situation? i confirm die liao lor". i had a really hard time throughout the lesson cos i couldnt handle the weight n height of the bike. i actually didnt noe how i could even pass lesson 1 in 3 tries considering most of the time i was dropping the bike n focusing on balancing the bike than moving it. so eventually, I gave up my dream of being that "short gal in leather suit on a cool looking bike" :(

Then my friends psycho me to go SSDC cos they got MSX and is good for me who is a weak shortie cos Im only 1.54m. Took me a hell lot of courage to go down, chat with the instructor and test sit on the MSX before i actually enroll in the course cos i didnt want to waste money and drop out like i did in CDC. 

so... i enrolled.. /le proud of myself for taking the 1st step again.

There are only 2 MSX in the whole school. For people who intend to book MSX, you have to sign a consent form from the instructor on level 5. this is to agree to the TnC for not abusing the MSX booking slots. Booking of lessons are the same as any other students. The only difference is you have to manually call in to check with the CS whether the bikes is available or not. if no, either u use the normal CBR190R or u cancel n try another slot. Do note that as of April 2022, they have implemented the 18 cancellation count like CDC which makes things even more difficult. good luck calling the CS. on some days, they pick up my call within the 1st try while there was once i made like 200 tries n only pick up in the afternoon. sorry if i sounded very kiasu cos the bike is really hard to book. Unlike CDC, SSDC don't allow you to make more than 1 booking and you cannot view the schedule anymore to check for earlier slots if you have a lesson booked. Basically, LLST. 

so here's the flow of my 2B practicals thus far...................


nothing much, just listen to the instructor go through the entire course structure. CDC actually needed us to try putting the bike on/off main stand and i had so much problems till next day i muscle ache. SSDC didnt make us do it thou. No need to bring anything except for your booklet

Lesson 1 - 1st try

just moving forward, reverse and braking. 2 years and i almost forgot everything. did everything from scratch but luckily the MSX was really much easier to handle than the CDC yamaha bikes due to the weight. proceed to ride circles in the nursery area. so far so good. think i only dropped the bike once for that day. i have the cutest bike in the class :) 

Lesson 1 - 2nd try

back to going around in circles in the nursery area. tot i would be able to proceed further today but nope, being too nervous and fear took over me n i was still stuck at the nursery. only manage to go around the bigger circle during the last 5-10min. dropped the bike i think 2-3 times that day.

Lesson 1 - 3rd try - PASSED

finally in the bigger circle changing to gear 3 and 4. keep stalling the engine cos i keep kicking into the gear at wrong timing if not release clutch too fast. the instructor then followed beside me patiently telling mi when i shld up or down gear really helps. my light bulb lighted and everything was easy afterwards. last few min, instructor brought us to do S and crank course. WOW i can ride through them with no issue at all!!! felt so proud of myself till almost wan to tear when i found out i passed my lesson. turns out to be the S and crank course was for learner cars so they are wide AF. 🌚

Lesson 2 - 1st try

Obstacle courses! hurrayyyy~ it was plank / slalom / slope. i never even get to do any obstacle courses at CDC 🌚 had a nervous wreck cos i scare i fall down n die. started with slope. keep stalling the engine haiz.. but somehow managed to proceed to plank.. I CANT BALANCE ON THE PLANK! tried 10 times n i think i only managed to get it in 2 tries. no problem with slalom surprisingly except during times when i didnt get into gear 2 in time.

Lesson 2 - 2nd try

SOMEONE LIED AND TOOK MY MSX BOOKING!! instructor said CS closed so cannot check who made the booking. had to use the lowered seat bikes. wat a horror. no doubt its a fail anyway. anyway, i called the next day to check with CS n they say the instructor has the MSX list. 🙄

Lesson 2 - 3rd try - PASSED

i finally... managed to balance on the plank. tts the only obstacle that i had to repeat. turns out tt i can only balance when i look down on the floor while others look far. 🌚

Lesson 3 - 1st try

E-brake / S / Crank course. did pretty well except sometimes could get into gear in time. need more practice..

Lesson 3 - 2nd try - PASSED

..so i passed :) 


Lesson 4 - 1st try

circuit test route familiarization. hahaha. im a direction idiot. im so lost until i cant pass the lesson :) i am also today years old to found out that the shelter dun cover the entire test route and it was raining but i didnt wear raincoat so im totally drenched. :) 

Lesson 4 - 2nd try - PASSED

went home n memorise the map hard. drew the map on ms paint so that i remember where i should be going and i passed!


Lesson 5 - 1st try

circuit test. i took 2 circuit revisions. on the day, i keep stalling the engine on the slope. die le lor. no need pass liao. panic all the way. tried to keep calm then during actual test, just left the starting point for like 1m n the bike decided to go into neutral gear. cos panic too much become i insist on changing to gear 2 instead of trying to gain speed on gear 1 then change to gear 2. sighz.. stall the bike n right foot down. 1st immediate failure. continued the remaining courses. did ok for the slope. then i panic for S course until i bang into the kerb n no doubt, 2nd immediate fail. completed the course with 2 IF and 16 demerit points. 

Lesson 5 - 2nd try - PASSED

figured out why the bike keep stalling engine on the slope. rev it like a bitch to warm up the engine more and no more stalling afterwards


Lesson 6 - 1st try - 3rd try

1st road lesson!! finallyyy!! yep, got too overconfident on the road till i rode like i drove. strong driver's habit is strong. keep forgetting that i cant just turn into the lane i wan. sighz

Lesson 6 - 4th try - PASSED

my internal angel and devil slapped me n keep reminding me that im riding not driving. hehe managed to pass the class although still having a bit of issue trying to stagger leaving and coming back to school. 


Lesson 7 1st try tomorrow. altho high chance i noe i wun pass but still, wish me luck hahaha 🙏

  • Like 1

Wow~ glad to see you have started again. kinda brought me back to the days where i was clearing my 2B back then... bout a decade ago... haha... but reading from your experience not much have changed it seems. 

Some memories came back to how i cleared those course and i think maybe it might help you for those u mentioned you had lesser confidence in.  

Plank - 3 tips here.

1 - GRIP the tank with your Tights REALLY TIGHTLY. I'm not not kidding it REALLY helps you balance the bike. 

2- Never EVER EVER use the FRONT BRAKES. just use the back brakes. And oh... btw... did anyone mentioned you do not need to release the clutch?

3. Use the Clutch to regulate speed. Fix the throttle at slightly above idle where you know it will not stall for sure and keep it at the biting point and use the clutch to control the speed. NOT the throttle. This is a VERY important tip. Keep this in mind. It will appear more. 

Slope - 3 points again.

1. You're not driving. So don't be afraid to Rev it higher.... but you'll be afraid because you might fly when you release the clutch right? here's the trick...

2. Adjusting the biting point of the clutch. (unlike a car... you can actually adjust this easily) you need to "set" the biting point of the bike. Yes, there is a small knob there on the front. You can make it "come closer to your closer to your clenched hands" so the biting point is easier to manage. imagine the biting point is at there your palm is almost fully open vs when you open like 1/2 inch? which is easier? Ask the instructor to help, say the biting point is too far for your fingers. I'm sure they will be glad to do it. 

3. Clutch controls the power!!! eh? not the throttle ah? no... Let me paint an example, say you throttle to 10000rpm~~~Clutch in full = 0% power transmitted to the tires right? release the clutch suddenly and suddenly you get 100% transmission and your bike flies to the moon... with or without you. Haha...  

So Clutch control means hold it at biting point with a throttle of say 2-3k rpm. When it start to "bite" your RPM will reduce to maybe 1.5k? it will NEVER STALL if you don't FULLY release the clutch at gear 1. Just keep it at biting point + abit. You need to feel this... when it feels like stalling, throttle up but KEEP the clutch at biting point. 

Now back to Slope after you have understood the above. Throttle to 3k rpm, step on your rear brakes hard to keep the bike stationary (don't use front brakes hor... can't throttle and brake at the same time.) Release clutch, feel the bike move forward and wanting to move, throttle more while keeping the Clutch in the SAME POSITION. then release the brake. Now throttle release slowly and clutch in if you feel its too fast! remember Clutch in = 0% no matter what your throttle is!! 


Abit lengthy there... but i hope those detailed tricks will help you pass. I was driving for a decade before i finally decided to ride hehehe got my class 2B->2 at SSDC. So i hope my past experience can help you to pass your lessons easily too. 


As for your route, just do more revisions? not sure how often you can get the MSX to do revisions, but i remember i did so many RR until the route was ingrained in my brains... then just keep doing the stations you're weak in. 

All the best for your assessment soon~~







  • Like 1
14 minutes ago, Siphon said:

Wow~ glad to see you have started again. kinda brought me back to the days where i was clearing my 2B back then... bout a decade ago... haha... but reading from your experience not much have changed it seems. 

Some memories came back to how i cleared those course and i think maybe it might help you for those u mentioned you had lesser confidence in.  

Plank - 3 tips here.

1 - GRIP the tank with your Tights REALLY TIGHTLY. I'm not not kidding it REALLY helps you balance the bike. 

2- Never EVER EVER use the FRONT BRAKES. just use the back brakes. And oh... btw... did anyone mentioned you do not need to release the clutch?

3. Use the Clutch to regulate speed. Fix the throttle at slightly above idle where you know it will not stall for sure and keep it at the biting point and use the clutch to control the speed. NOT the throttle. This is a VERY important tip. Keep this in mind. It will appear more. 

Slope - 3 points again.

1. You're not driving. So don't be afraid to Rev it higher.... but you'll be afraid because you might fly when you release the clutch right? here's the trick...

2. Adjusting the biting point of the clutch. (unlike a car... you can actually adjust this easily) you need to "set" the biting point of the bike. Yes, there is a small knob there on the front. You can make it "come closer to your closer to your clenched hands" so the biting point is easier to manage. imagine the biting point is at there your palm is almost fully open vs when you open like 1/2 inch? which is easier? Ask the instructor to help, say the biting point is too far for your fingers. I'm sure they will be glad to do it. 

3. Clutch controls the power!!! eh? not the throttle ah? no... Let me paint an example, say you throttle to 10000rpm~~~Clutch in full = 0% power transmitted to the tires right? release the clutch suddenly and suddenly you get 100% transmission and your bike flies to the moon... with or without you. Haha...  

So Clutch control means hold it at biting point with a throttle of say 2-3k rpm. When it start to "bite" your RPM will reduce to maybe 1.5k? it will NEVER STALL if you don't FULLY release the clutch at gear 1. Just keep it at biting point + abit. You need to feel this... when it feels like stalling, throttle up but KEEP the clutch at biting point. 

Now back to Slope after you have understood the above. Throttle to 3k rpm, step on your rear brakes hard to keep the bike stationary (don't use front brakes hor... can't throttle and brake at the same time.) Release clutch, feel the bike move forward and wanting to move, throttle more while keeping the Clutch in the SAME POSITION. then release the brake. Now throttle release slowly and clutch in if you feel its too fast! remember Clutch in = 0% no matter what your throttle is!! 


Abit lengthy there... but i hope those detailed tricks will help you pass. I was driving for a decade before i finally decided to ride hehehe got my class 2B->2 at SSDC. So i hope my past experience can help you to pass your lessons easily too. 


As for your route, just do more revisions? not sure how often you can get the MSX to do revisions, but i remember i did so many RR until the route was ingrained in my brains... then just keep doing the stations you're weak in. 

All the best for your assessment soon~~







Ya.. im really glad tt i actually went back cos i actually could manage it so much better than i thought. 🥲

Actually now i have no problems with the obstacle already. The problem with plank was with where i was looking at so the moment i changed to stare at where im going, i almost never fall off the plank again. Hahaha. I actually cant grip the tank tightly cos someone dropped the bike so bad till the crash bar is dented in which will hit my knee guard. 

I control most of the stations with clutch if possible cos no power to engine = wun jerk that much to make mi lose balance.. hehehe.. the instructor did taught us this method which makes things alot ezier sia. 

Slope wise, i end up figured out why. Cos its the 1st obstacle that we usually go to n the engine is usually cold esp for MSX. Just have to warm up the bike longer n rev abit harder b4 starting on anything will do the trick. It will be very happy to complete the lesson together with mi with no problem unless i make mistakes 🤣

For revision its easily to book cos i know when they release lesson slots so i just spam book any revision lessons tt i can attend n just book all at 1 go. Only the actual lesson 1-8 can only book 1 at time.

I forgot to add in the 1st post... I passed my lesson 5 with 2 demerit points only! Hahaaha really proud of myself that day lolol




lesson 5 is circuit? nice~ you're almost getting the license already. circuit is usually where most people fail hahaa... outside is really more of a confidence test. The testers usually catch the points inside the circuit than out on the road. 

Keep it up~ almost there!

Posted (edited)


Funny you should say look near also can balance because I recently discovered a wonderful treasure of old-school motorcycle knowledge from YouTube channel "FortNine". The presenter says to gracefully stop the bike always on the left foot, turn your head to the left slightly when stopping. 

Suddenly I realized why my low-speed control on maxi-scooter was not so steady, I usually drop both legs because I don't have a tank to grip like a normal motorcycle, I 'walk' to a stop like a bird landing sometimes on the right, sometimes on the left. But the first time I tried FortNine advice, wow, no more issues.  I actually do traffic jam crawling by looking at the left wheel of the car in front of me now, instead of too far ahead in the past. 

So looking near on purpose for low speed control as a precision skill actually works, albeit very unconventional and driving school instructors probably not liking it :)

Back to MSX @ plank course. 

There is a 'cheat' last time we used to do on the CB125, because last time at BBDC there used to be a lot of distraction in the free-circuit practise and the CB600 Hornet guys liked to 'scare' us by suddenly revving their engine super loud. Eventually I get used to playing with the throttle and make more fun loud motorcycle noises...

Suddenly I realized the CB125 balances much better on the plank if I rev the engine super high, stomp on the rear brake, and control speed with the clutch. SOMEHOW by stomping the brake it keeps the weight transfer of the bike negligible, and by revving the engine super high, the rotational mass of the flywheel, clutch, piston creates gyroscopic forces that help keep the machine upright


Explanation on weight transfer and why it's important to know

- (during starting and speed / gear changes there is "Weight Transfer" between front and rear wheels just like Initial D, as you engage and disengage different mechanical components hence for new riders - wobbling!)

- During high speed corners like the other thread we discussed pulling the brake firmly while cornering can artificially increase your lean angle, this is because weight transfer from back to front giving the steering tyre momentarily more traction, 'encourages' your bike to corner at a steeper angle even if no change to eyepoint. 

- thanks for @ConceptFuel also to discuss the bike handling theories that night and apply them during group ride :)

Edited by pinksheep
23 hours ago, Siphon said:

lesson 5 is circuit? nice~ you're almost getting the license already. circuit is usually where most people fail hahaa... outside is really more of a confidence test. The testers usually catch the points inside the circuit than out on the road. 

Keep it up~ almost there!

I think i overconfident.. failed today's lesson cos i forgot cannot change lane at single zig zag line.. n tt is all i failed in 😂 haha.. FML

1 hour ago, pinksheep said:


Funny you should say look near also can balance because I recently discovered a wonderful treasure of old-school motorcycle knowledge from YouTube channel "FortNine". The presenter says to gracefully stop the bike always on the left foot, turn your head to the left slightly when stopping. 

Suddenly I realized why my low-speed control on maxi-scooter was not so steady, I usually drop both legs because I don't have a tank to grip like a normal motorcycle, I 'walk' to a stop like a bird landing sometimes on the right, sometimes on the left. But the first time I tried FortNine advice, wow, no more issues.  I actually do traffic jam crawling by looking at the left wheel of the car in front of me now, instead of too far ahead in the past. 

So looking near on purpose for low speed control as a precision skill actually works, albeit very unconventional and driving school instructors probably not liking it :)

Back to MSX @ plank course. 

There is a 'cheat' last time we used to do on the CB125, because last time at BBDC there used to be a lot of distraction in the free-circuit practise and the CB600 Hornet guys liked to 'scare' us by suddenly revving their engine super loud. Eventually I get used to playing with the throttle and make more fun loud motorcycle noises...

Suddenly I realized the CB125 balances much better on the plank if I rev the engine super high, stomp on the rear brake, and control speed with the clutch. SOMEHOW by stomping the brake it keeps the weight transfer of the bike negligible, and by revving the engine super high, the rotational mass of the flywheel, clutch, piston creates gyroscopic forces that help keep the machine upright


Explanation on weight transfer and why it's important to know

- (during starting and speed / gear changes there is "Weight Transfer" between front and rear wheels just like Initial D, as you engage and disengage different mechanical components hence for new riders - wobbling!)

- During high speed corners like the other thread we discussed pulling the brake firmly while cornering can artificially increase your lean angle, this is because weight transfer from back to front giving the steering tyre momentarily more traction, 'encourages' your bike to corner at a steeper angle even if no change to eyepoint. 

- thanks for @ConceptFuel also to discuss the bike handling theories that night and apply them during group ride :)

Wah this is very chim.. alot to learn sia :o

  • Like 1
  • Sad 1
On 4/26/2022 at 11:40 PM, Nakuru said:

I think i overconfident.. failed today's lesson cos i forgot cannot change lane at single zig zag line.. n tt is all i failed in 😂 haha.. FML

I always console myself when i fail in the classes ... better here than learning it outside with a crash heheh... you'll do better next time!

21 hours ago, Siphon said:

I always console myself when i fail in the classes ... better here than learning it outside with a crash heheh... you'll do better next time!

True.. but i couldnt get any slots for next week.. sighz.. need to wait for the week after liao.. went for circuit revision on sat n used the normal low bike.. got too humid n tired until i keep crashing into the cones at slalom.. hahahaha.. legs full of bruises now 🤣


Aiyoh! You became Jackie Chan already :D

Better take rest if keep losing the bike, else not fun to repeatedly get de-horsed. 
Side effect of reading this thread is I started practising my low-speed control and U-turns especially right-hand side until its much faster and more stable.

Now moved on to doing video recordings :3 

49 minutes ago, pinksheep said:

Aiyoh! You became Jackie Chan already :D

Better take rest if keep losing the bike, else not fun to repeatedly get de-horsed. 
Side effect of reading this thread is I started practising my low-speed control and U-turns especially right-hand side until its much faster and more stable.

Now moved on to doing video recordings :3 

Haha no joke sia.. i now having full body ache from lifting the bike yest.. machiam kena hoot like tt.


i tot u shldnt have problem with low speed control n u turn already?

  • Sad 1

Many of my reflexes including low speed turning seem to have gone rusty for the 11 yrs I didn't ride, so now relearning everything on a different type of machine is very refreshing. Anything high speed is okay but slalom, plank, S-turns, U-turns having a refresher is useful, I especially like to practise on my own in safe quiet areas before attempting any rush hour or city riding. 

I can compensate for lack of reflex and muscle memory by treating maneuvers like a technical exercise.
For instance I don't like right-hand U turns, so I plan it by: 

- Corner entry speed = 30kph. Tap brakes twice and clear right mirror & blind spot to ensure driver behind is aware sharp turning.
- Start weight transfer by front braking 5 meters away + look into turn 45 degrees
- Roll in and maintain speed 20kph until halfway + eyepoint 60-90 degrees
- Power on and accelerate in left half lane 2, clear left mirror and blindspot
- Power off @ 75kph and cruise
- U-turn completed in tighter turn than trusting my normal instinct

Pretty much how rally drivers plan for their entertaining drift entry/exit on dirt stages :)
After 1-2 repetitions the maneuver feels entertaining and natural to do, no need to drop one leg 'in case'.

  • Like 1
8 hours ago, pinksheep said:

Aiyoh! You became Jackie Chan already :D

Better take rest if keep losing the bike, else not fun to repeatedly get de-horsed. 
Side effect of reading this thread is I started practising my low-speed control and U-turns especially right-hand side until its much faster and more stable.

Now moved on to doing video recordings :3 

LOL.. you need practise meh?

Video recording.. Been in it since 6 months ago.. but TikTok is harsh.. LOL.. I almost made it to headline if I kept that one video.. LOLOL.. 


7 hours ago, Nakuru said:

Haha no joke sia.. i now having full body ache from lifting the bike yest.. machiam kena hoot like tt.


i tot u shldnt have problem with low speed control n u turn already?


Ehhh.. better be more careful..


6 hours ago, pinksheep said:

Many of my reflexes including low speed turning seem to have gone rusty for the 11 yrs I didn't ride, so now relearning everything on a different type of machine is very refreshing. Anything high speed is okay but slalom, plank, S-turns, U-turns having a refresher is useful, I especially like to practise on my own in safe quiet areas before attempting any rush hour or city riding. 

I can compensate for lack of reflex and muscle memory by treating maneuvers like a technical exercise.
For instance I don't like right-hand U turns, so I plan it by: 

- Corner entry speed = 30kph. Tap brakes twice and clear right mirror & blind spot to ensure driver behind is aware sharp turning.
- Start weight transfer by front braking 5 meters away + look into turn 45 degrees
- Roll in and maintain speed 20kph until halfway + eyepoint 60-90 degrees
- Power on and accelerate in left half lane 2, clear left mirror and blindspot
- Power off @ 75kph and cruise
- U-turn completed in tighter turn than trusting my normal instinct

Pretty much how rally drivers plan for their entertaining drift entry/exit on dirt stages :)
After 1-2 repetitions the maneuver feels entertaining and natural to do, no need to drop one leg 'in case'.

Younger generation does have alot of theories.. 

oldies like me.. only know.. just follow the flow and your body will just auto move.. LOL..

  • Haha 1

Kindly read thru at least the intro section first before decide to post any comments.... thanks... :cool:


Please proceed to this website/web link if you guys have any technical issues on Kawasaki Kips/KR150, I'll update the 1st POST as and when there's a new question. Newbies questions on the top as well. :)





6 hours ago, adesmond2 said:

LOL.. you need practise meh?

Video recording.. Been in it since 6 months ago.. but TikTok is harsh.. LOL.. I almost made it to headline if I kept that one video.. LOLOL.. 



Ehhh.. better be more careful..


Younger generation does have alot of theories.. 

oldies like me.. only know.. just follow the flow and your body will just auto move.. LOL..

I oso thinking of doing vlog when i can ride officially.. but the 360 cam damn expensive.. hahaha

I easily get bruises de.. so its pretty normal.. hahaha 

Sometimes letting ur body follow with the flow is better than any theories leh.. 

9 minutes ago, Nakuru said:

I oso thinking of doing vlog when i can ride officially.. but the 360 cam damn expensive.. hahaha

I easily get bruises de.. so its pretty normal.. hahaha 

Sometimes letting ur body follow with the flow is better than any theories leh.. 


360 camera - video camera either get one best (save up first) or dun get at all.. Else all the rest the resolution cmi.. I started drone videography many many years ago.. spend over hundreds to almost 1k on those cheap one and upgrade the lens/camera (eventually sell off the cheap ones) and in the end, get the DJI which cost about 2.5k... so videography is something either you spend one short good one or dun get at all.. LOL...

ahhh.. noted.. some gals easily bruise de.. but just be careful.. later your bf nag... LOLOLOL

indeed.. like cornering.. people always say bend with bike faster.. I always like to go another way.. hahahahahaha... 

Kindly read thru at least the intro section first before decide to post any comments.... thanks... :cool:


Please proceed to this website/web link if you guys have any technical issues on Kawasaki Kips/KR150, I'll update the 1st POST as and when there's a new question. Newbies questions on the top as well. :)





Posted (edited)

I think having more, rather than less vloggers in the community would be a good idea. If we were off the bike or showing maintenance tips its possible to do professional quality with modern smartphones. 

It's the riding video that is the challenge; experimentation is needed for the right kind of mounting & how you wish to deploy the content. 

I find the best way to go is if you want to do vlog go ahead and start recording & narrating, don't wait for professional quality gear; by the time we wait for our $2k cameras there is no longer any will to go out and use it, and it becomes too risky to bring such a valuable expense "outfield".

Camera and handphone mounts of all sorts on lazada can buy for $20 or less, we probably have old cameras and phones laying around the house.

No point making professional vlog because it's not likely such things will become popular unless someone does something controversial then it 'explodes' for the wrong reasons. Rather do it for a memoir you would like to revisit 10-20 years later, and something for your own rider group to enjoy.

We had convoy groups who did professional videos long ago in the old SBF but all that happened is a larger group plagiarize the content as their own, after that kind of behavior I rather post shit content but have a lot of fun even making cam mounts out of cable ties. 

Our slow riding / makan group seem to be able to source 4K quality action cam for $100+ but no hurry to get them. I'm recording using cameras that intend to throw away eventually so no damage to wallet if something happens and it flies off the bike (though I just did 2 days bump testing nothing happened yet, just crap footage due to not having the right hardware to mount properly)

Edited by pinksheep
  • Haha 1
2 minutes ago, pinksheep said:

I think having more, rather than less vloggers in the community would be a good idea. If we were off the bike or showing maintenance tips its possible to do professional quality with modern smartphones. 

It's the riding video that is the challenge, there are cameras from 10 years ago that can make steady video but experimentation is needed for the right kind of mounting & how you wish to deploy the content. 

I find the best way to go is if you want to do vlog go ahead and start recording & narrating, don't wait for professional quality gear; by the time we wait for our $2k cameras there is no longer any will to go out and use it, and it becomes too risky to bring such a valuable expense "outfield".

Camera and handphone mounts of all sorts on lazada can buy for $20 or less, we probably have old cameras and phones laying around the house.

No point making professional vlog because it's not likely such things will become popular unless someone does something controversial then it 'explodes' for the wrong reasons. Rather do it for a memoir you would like to revisit 10-20 years later.

We had convoy groups who did professional videos long ago in the old SBF but all that happened is a larger group plagiarize the content as their own, after that kind of behavior I rather post shit content but have a lot of fun even making cam mounts out of cable ties. 

agreed to a certain extend.. haha..

1) I still have my drift cam... trying to remove that stickiness.. hahahaha..

2) you are completely right as well.. bringing that expensive equipment does pose a feeling that once it drop, it's gone forever... LOL...

3) that old camera might be not bad quality as well.. ;) Especially those android phones.. hahahahaha..

4) Memoir for 10-20 years later = hmmm.. better get a better quality.. else you know those 360p video on our screen nowadays is sooooo small and blurry.. (try to use a VCD player and play those VCD and you understand what I'm saying) hahahahaha...

5) ohhhhhh.. got you.. LOL..

Kindly read thru at least the intro section first before decide to post any comments.... thanks... :cool:


Please proceed to this website/web link if you guys have any technical issues on Kawasaki Kips/KR150, I'll update the 1st POST as and when there's a new question. Newbies questions on the top as well. :)





2 hours ago, adesmond2 said:

1) I still have my drift cam... trying to remove that stickiness.. hahahaha..

drift ?? 🤯





On 5/2/2022 at 6:20 PM, apogeeXX said:

drift ?? 🤯





haha.. yeah.. Drift.. the very very first version of video camera on bike.. first in Europe.. I purchased from Amazon or Ebay.. can't recall..

Here's the photo of my drift HD with the remote control... (this cost 75% of my salary back then) 😅



Kindly read thru at least the intro section first before decide to post any comments.... thanks... :cool:


Please proceed to this website/web link if you guys have any technical issues on Kawasaki Kips/KR150, I'll update the 1st POST as and when there's a new question. Newbies questions on the top as well. :)






A little update to my lessons~

Lesson 7 - 1st try

HA! Like wats so surprising.. i kinda expected tt i would fail since i wasnt tt confident on the road especially when i repeated lesson 6 for 4 times. So i went with a "if i pass, it's miracle" but as expected, i failed the 1st try. N the reason i failed was cos i change lane at a single zig zag line which i thought i already passed it. Everything else was fine.. So.. repeat it is.. nothing surprising.. just disappointed 😂


Lesson 7 - 2nd try - PASSED

Had my 2nd try like hours earlier.. I had to constantly remind myself of the zig zag line that i failed in the last try. We will go 2 rounds on the test route. The 1st round is practice then the 2nd round is assessment. Yet again i still make the same mistake of changing lane at single zig zag line after u turn during the practice mode luckily i did well during assessment time n i passed today's lesson! Hehe finally i reach lesson 8 n soon i can go TP already.. not sure how many times i will need to retry but at least im nearer to the goal now 😁

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9 hours ago, Nakuru said:

A little update to my lessons~

Lesson 7 - 1st try

HA! Like wats so surprising.. i kinda expected tt i would fail since i wasnt tt confident on the road especially when i repeated lesson 6 for 4 times. So i went with a "if i pass, it's miracle" but as expected, i failed the 1st try. N the reason i failed was cos i change lane at a single zig zag line which i thought i already passed it. Everything else was fine.. So.. repeat it is.. nothing surprising.. just disappointed 😂


Lesson 7 - 2nd try - PASSED

Had my 2nd try like hours earlier.. I had to constantly remind myself of the zig zag line that i failed in the last try. We will go 2 rounds on the test route. The 1st round is practice then the 2nd round is assessment. Yet again i still make the same mistake of changing lane at single zig zag line after u turn during the practice mode luckily i did well during assessment time n i passed today's lesson! Hehe finally i reach lesson 8 n soon i can go TP already.. not sure how many times i will need to retry but at least im nearer to the goal now 😁


can one.. soon expressway... 😛


Kindly read thru at least the intro section first before decide to post any comments.... thanks... :cool:


Please proceed to this website/web link if you guys have any technical issues on Kawasaki Kips/KR150, I'll update the 1st POST as and when there's a new question. Newbies questions on the top as well. :)





  • 1 month later...

more updates for my 2b learner journey... -drama queen ahead-

Lesson 8 - 1st try

so its finally the time.. where i have to face the final hurdle before i can defeat the big boss...... went for like 2 road revision and 1 circuit revision before the assessment day... on the day itself, there will be 8 students. the instructor will split into 2 groups. 1 group will go on the road and the other group will go on the circuit. for those who are on the road, there will be 1 instructor with 1 student. the 1st round will be defensive riding aka warm up. the instructor will give instructions on where to go n then when u go back into the sch, it will be the actual assessment time. those on circuit will have 1 instructor n 4 students. there will be 1 round of warm up then the actual assessment. just take note of the instructor's hand signal and proceed like during lesson 5.

so my 1st try, i was assigned to go on the road first before the circuit. warm up was pretty ok.. chat with the instructor awhile n asked stupid qns like "why does it consider fail when ur right leg comes down but everyone does that in the real world?". guess what? :) i was doing perfectly fine on the road till the u turn segment. im first in line so i had to be in position and............ i lost balance. right leg came down. 🤡🤡 then cos i didnt factor in my "fall", i tried to rush thru the u turn. end up getting more immediate failure like fail to give way to traffic and wide turning causing lane change at white zig zag.. 🤡 tts 3 immediate failure right there. lost my confidence right there and kinda see no point in doing well for the circuit so.... by accident, i almost strike kerb in crank course which made mi drop my right leg down again.... 28 points with 4 immediate fail in total. 

Lesson 8 - 2nd try

this time, it was circuit first then road for me. went through the circuit perfectly~~~ till slalom. since it was the last station, i think i relax abit too early and bang straight into the cone. 🤡 no issues for the road so i had a total of 6 demerit point n tt 1 immediate failure for banging cone. 4 in the circuit, 2 on the road. 😭

Lesson 8 - 3rd try - PASSED

i booked a revision the day before. n the MSX just keep stalling on me on the slope and e brake. omg.. i was so stress about my lesson 8 till i just cried after the revision. all the what-ifs are filling the gap in my brain n replacing all the "i can do it". what if i cannot kick into the gear? what if i bang kerb? what if my right leg comes down? what if i bang the cone again? what if this time i drop off from the plank? what if i stall the bike n then i roll back on the slope? omg it was a total mental torture to myself.

today's lesson, i start off from the road. no issues. perfect run today. good job to myself. n then circuit. during the warm up, no issue. all done well. ok. then assessment start. i was the 1st rider. no stall on the slope. ok good. next, figure 8. timing abit slow but i almost fall down when i went in so its ok, i can afford to get demerit points on not hitting the timing. then crank. no issue. ok good. e brake now.... i... brake in time before the line but i balance in the center for like 2 sec b4 dropping my right leg first. i cried internally thinking i scored another immediate failure n gotta rebook.. sighz. continued with plank n slalom. no issue on those.. totally disheartened...

went back up to the 5th floor n prepare to check for earliest available slot for next lesson 8 while waiting for instructor to call my tag... couldnt find the option at all. omg omg omg i passed! the moment i realised i passed, i cried on the spot sia. sorry i noe very drama but i was really damn stress trying to pass it by today. instructor called mi to take my result n i was still crying non stop. turns out that the right leg down during e brake will only give 4 demerit for incorrect posture. so i was like "i tot im gonna fail today cos i dropped my right leg during the e brake 😭" instructor face was like 😑 

but anyway, i passed with a horrible score of 18 points in total. 16 in circuit, 2 on the road. i gotta find back the confidence i had during lesson 5 where i got only 2 points... 🥺

anyway, moral of the story: even if you have some mistakes in the previous station, as long as it is not an immediate failure, u still have to finish them with less mistake possible. sometimes the instructor will close 1 eye n let u pass instead if all your other stations do well. 

next is TP loh!!!!!!!

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11 hours ago, Nakuru said:

today's lesson, i start off from the road. no issues. perfect run today. good job to myself. n then circuit. during the warm up, no issue. all done well. ok. then assessment start. i was the 1st rider. no stall on the slope. ok good. next, figure 8. timing abit slow but i almost fall down when i went in so its ok, i can afford to get demerit points on not hitting the timing. then crank. no issue. ok good. e brake now.... i... brake in time before the line but i balance in the center for like 2 sec b4 dropping my right leg first. i cried internally thinking i scored another immediate failure n gotta rebook.. sighz. continued with plank n slalom. no issue on those.. totally disheartened...

went back up to the 5th floor n prepare to check for earliest available slot for next lesson 8 while waiting for instructor to call my tag... couldnt find the option at all. omg omg omg i passed! the moment i realised i passed, i cried on the spot sia. sorry i noe very drama but i was really damn stress trying to pass it by today. instructor called mi to take my result n i was still crying non stop. turns out that the right leg down during e brake will only give 4 demerit for incorrect posture. so i was like "i tot im gonna fail today cos i dropped my right leg during the e brake 😭" instructor face was like 😑

OHHHHHHHH... Now I know where my incorrect posture for TP came from... right leg down is 4 points!! I still remember the TP bend down and saw my right leg down during e-brake.. and I was thinking it's a IF.. 😂

but again.. Congrats! After TP is on the road already! ;) 


Kindly read thru at least the intro section first before decide to post any comments.... thanks... :cool:


Please proceed to this website/web link if you guys have any technical issues on Kawasaki Kips/KR150, I'll update the 1st POST as and when there's a new question. Newbies questions on the top as well. :)





24 minutes ago, adesmond2 said:

OHHHHHHHH... Now I know where my incorrect posture for TP came from... right leg down is 4 points!! I still remember the TP bend down and saw my right leg down during e-brake.. and I was thinking it's a IF.. 😂

but again.. Congrats! After TP is on the road already! ;) 


only ebrake right leg down is 4 points hor... other than tt all is immediate fail.. haha.. i almost cry when i see the instructor draw circle there tot IF oso.. haha

hopefully can pass TP lor... bo bi bo bi 🙏

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